Media Rant

Media Rant

“Welcome Welcome.” “We have a big show for you today.” If you are chuckling to yourself you are aware that this is the daily greeting from the CBS morning news show.   “Welcome, welcome” Really, Really? Isn’t one welcome enough enough? By...
Bag Hanging 101

Bag Hanging 101

Some ramblings on Aesthetics vs Practicality Perhaps this is a rather thinly-veiled attempt to justify my obsessiveness versus an actual intellectual consideration, but here goes. Recently, I was tasked with putting up hooks for several bags. When I say bags I mean a...
Evolutionary Biology, something missing?

Evolutionary Biology, something missing?

What could possibly be missing from an explanation of all explanations? Isn’t an explanatory model that offers an explanation for anything just great? Well, not really. I’m pretty burned out on the evolutionary biological explanation for every damn trait,...
I’ll Take Distraction for the Win

I’ll Take Distraction for the Win

So much of the talk now is about how ‘bad’ distraction is for us. How we need to focus more, be more present, stop and smell the roses because hey, we only go around once right? Well yea that last part is true but distraction is not all that bad. In fact, it’s better...
Bad Gratitude

Bad Gratitude

In another blog post I wrote about the need for acceptance to fully understand and express our gratitude.  In that post I talked about gratitude with regard to ‘positively-valenced situations in our lives.   But what about gratitude over ‘negatively-valenced’ or...