The How (pt.2)

The How (pt.2)

We’re going to keep on with the concept of how. I just think, yes, it is that important.   Let’s set the framework a bit with an analogy. Picture a staircase.   Now, how do you climb the staircase? Obvious answer – you climb the staircase. But that is...
The How (pt.1)

The How (pt.1)

Very often we think about and hear things aimed at helping us get past a sticking point, move forward, alleviate some frustration, anger, sadness, etc.  The answers we get often seem obvious: if you are doubting yourself, stop; if you are nervous about approaching...
The What

The What

With the last post we were left with the possibility that there may not be a problem. So it seems cohesive to post this piece next.   After vetting the situation we may grasp an understanding that there actually is a problem. But, how do we know and then...
Is there really a ‘problem’?

Is there really a ‘problem’?

I think it important to take a step back often and ask this important therapeutic question: Do I really have a problem? I think as therapists our starting assumption is that if someone takes the time and makes the effort to schedule and actually show up for an...


So, if you stayed with me through the three part posting on absurdity, I think we need a break. To that end, here’s a hands-on post with some actual practicality.   I suppose I should preface this post with the obligatory disclaimer that I’m not a medical doctor...