by Carl Mothes | Oct 7, 2021 | Mens Therapy BLOG
With the last post we were left with the possibility that there may not be a problem. So it seems cohesive to post this piece next. After vetting the situation we may grasp an understanding that there actually is a problem. But, how do we know and then...
by Carl Mothes | Sep 22, 2021 | Mens Therapy BLOG
I think it important to take a step back often and ask this important therapeutic question: Do I really have a problem? I think as therapists our starting assumption is that if someone takes the time and makes the effort to schedule and actually show up for an...
by Carl Mothes | Aug 4, 2021 | Mens Therapy BLOG
This is a quick little blog, more like a blurb. There is a philosophical view that defines time as the observance of change, or maybe change itself, I don’t specifically recall. There is a lot more to it than that, but the crude essence is that time is itself...
by Carl Mothes | Jul 19, 2021 | Mens Therapy BLOG
So, if you stayed with me through the three part posting on absurdity, I think we need a break. To that end, here’s a hands-on post with some actual practicality. I suppose I should preface this post with the obligatory disclaimer that I’m not a medical doctor...
by Carl Mothes | Mar 15, 2021 | Mens Therapy BLOG
We’re going to finish this series on absurdity with a look at its logical end – death. Less dramatic and more practical to how we live we’ll use the distinction between process and outcome. Because the ultimate outcome of any living thing is death or...