The How (pt.2)

The How (pt.2)

We’re going to keep on with the concept of how. I just think, yes, it is that important.   Let’s set the framework a bit with an analogy. Picture a staircase.   Now, how do you climb the staircase? Obvious answer – you climb the staircase. But that is...
The How (pt.1)

The How (pt.1)

Very often we think about and hear things aimed at helping us get past a sticking point, move forward, alleviate some frustration, anger, sadness, etc.  The answers we get often seem obvious: if you are doubting yourself, stop; if you are nervous about approaching...
The What

The What

With the last post we were left with the possibility that there may not be a problem. So it seems cohesive to post this piece next.   After vetting the situation we may grasp an understanding that there actually is a problem. But, how do we know and then...
Is there really a ‘problem’?

Is there really a ‘problem’?

I think it important to take a step back often and ask this important therapeutic question: Do I really have a problem? I think as therapists our starting assumption is that if someone takes the time and makes the effort to schedule and actually show up for an...