

So, if you stayed with me through the three part posting on absurdity, I think we need a break. To that end, here’s a hands-on post with some actual practicality.   I suppose I should preface this post with the obligatory disclaimer that I’m not a medical doctor...
If ___ Then ___

If ___ Then ___

“Once I get those new shoes then I’ll be all set to head to the gym and start working out.” “Once I get back from vacation, then I have this whole new diet plan I’ll start.” “Once I get through this project at work, then I’ll dial back...
The Broken, Breaking, or To Be Broken Mug?

The Broken, Breaking, or To Be Broken Mug?

So this morning I broke my mug.  Not a big deal, right?  Well, I had always considered this mug a bit “special.”  It was handmade for me dating back almost 15 years! Yes, I enjoyed many a cup of joe in various states, settings, and moods.  All of which came to an...