If ___ Then ___

If ___ Then ___

“Once I get those new shoes then I’ll be all set to head to the gym and start working out.” “Once I get back from vacation, then I have this whole new diet plan I’ll start.” “Once I get through this project at work, then I’ll dial back...
Gratitude: How To

Gratitude: How To

Typically I refrain from offering specific “how-to” steps toward a desired outcome. My mindset is usually focused on discerning and discussing principles which can then be applied to life on an individual level. I often scoff at universal “how-to’s”...
Pandemic Productivity Anxiety, pt.2

Pandemic Productivity Anxiety, pt.2

In the previous post I described a feeling of frustration, guilt, and/or shame over a sense of ‘un-accomplishment’ during this pandemic. Specifically, this feeling stems from desired pursuits we carry in the back of our minds, that have become more present...