Gratitude: How To

Gratitude: How To

Typically I refrain from offering specific “how-to” steps toward a desired outcome. My mindset is usually focused on discerning and discussing principles which can then be applied to life on an individual level. I often scoff at universal “how-to’s”...
Pandemic Productivity Anxiety, pt.2

Pandemic Productivity Anxiety, pt.2

In the previous post I described a feeling of frustration, guilt, and/or shame over a sense of ‘un-accomplishment’ during this pandemic. Specifically, this feeling stems from desired pursuits we carry in the back of our minds, that have become more present...
Corona Business Update

Corona Business Update

Well here’s another blog post related specifically to the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Living in WI and working in both WI and MN, I’ve been double-dosing on the most current information I can safely ingest. Last week the governor of each state officially enacted a Stay...